As the world getting advance in the field of technology,System Information are important to human’s life nowadays.The needed of this kind of information increase rapidly because of the force of the technology that make people able to manage and complete their task easily.. In my humble opinion,it helps people not only in education but also in other field such as business and daily affair..
Me as a student that come far away from my hometown to study in IIUM found that system information ease me to buy flight ticket online and sometimes I can manage my bank account like checking deposit balance,transfer money and so on without no need to go out to do it.I also can check for my exam result because of the information system.
Information system is using by people without counting on the age and job..For example,a kid now can learn ABC from internet without seeing a book.A cooker also can try another recipes for their cooking..
We also can earn considerable income from our knowledge about information system..For example,nowadays we can found so many MLM’s business over the internet.Modal to do this kind of business are mostly from their own agent.In addition,information system is important for businessman around the world because it enables them to stay up to date about the condition of the global’s economy make them better in planning their own business..
We can know latest issue that happen over the world just in a just a few second and also can find it from many sources.We also can shop for the gadget we want just using a few knowledge of information system..
Briefly,information system help people nowadays in many ways.Enable people to save time and money..

very impressive...4.5/5 gratias
title...pun salah...information literacy not internet literacy....3.8/5
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