Serious Topic..Hehe
Ok now let see how to tackle a woman using my own theory "Five Zul's Force"..heheh..(This just for releasing my stress because of studying about five porter's force)
1. Entry of competitors. (How easy or difficult is it for new entrants to start competing, which barriers do exist).Which mean if u want to tackle a girl u need to define how many competitors u have to get the girl before u start competing... For example,Hairee want to tackle Syafiqah,he need to observe first who are more closest with Syafiqah..(Syafiqah's boyfriends only) If Syafiqah already have one or maybe many,it is difficult for Hairee to tackle Syafiqah..
2. Threat of substitutes. (How easy yourself can be substituted, in other word we say uniqueness[keunikan]).If Hairee was the person that have different behavior and Syafiqah find that is hard to find other boys like Hairee,the way for Hairee to tackle Syafiqah will be easier...
3. Bargaining power of buyers. This porter's statement we change to bargaining power of supporter..Can they work together in matching u with someone u admired or love??.For instance,Hairee have many friends that always matching him with the girl he like,Syafiqah..It will give bright chance for him to get more closer with Syafiqah because of the gossip his friends created..This also will break other boys' heart to get closer with Syafiqah as the gossip was being so painful for them..
4. Bargaining power of suppliers. (Do many potential suppliers exist or only few potential suppliers to help u in giving information about the girl that u love??)Sometimes we need the help from others to tackle the girl that we love.This happen when we need an information about the person we love to get more closer with her.In essence we need information's suppliers which come from her(the person u admired) friends or even family.This due to the fact,"who the one that a girl like?The person who know about her or the person that know nothing about her??"Example,Hairee gathering an information from Syafiqah's friends about what food she like so that he can make Syafiqah touched because Hairee know what food that she loves..Attention=girl like the guys who are romantic.This information also can help Hairee to have topic to chat with Syafiqah in "sms" in case he is blank of what topic to share or to say with Syafiqah..
5. Rivalry among the existing players. (Does a strong competition between the existing players exist? Is one player very dominant or are all equal in smartness or appearance??)When Hairee want to tackle Syafiqah,his smartness and appearance will be the important asset for him..
Haha finish discuss about this..Hope can help us to memorize porter's five force..
Hairee dan syafikah tuh sape?
mcm knal
Hairee Huzainey and Mohd Syafiq..haha
lawak sungguh idea mu itu.... hhahahaha.. tak brapa cukup hebat lah teori tu..
kasi nampak best sket.. hhahahaha
Man Sets Self on Fire During Stunt to Impress date...
"I really don't know who to feel worse for... The guy for having to feel like he had to go through something like this to gain her approval, or the woman for watching what had to seem like a crazy attempt.
It has to make me wonder though..... Did he earn a second date. Well... Afterh e gets out of the hospital at least"
woi ap brg gne nme ak ni....
ko harus bgge nme ko ade kat blog aku.. susah tu nak dpt..hahah.. yahoo nak aku promote website die pn aku xnak kire untung lah aku letak nme ko..hua3
ni lecturer mano yang ngajor nie...acheeeh
Bese ar mis... Kne applikasi kan ape yg kite blajar kat IL ngn realiti kehidupan..hehe
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